Experienced Toronto Long Term Disability Lawyers

Experienced Toronto Long Term Disability Lawyers

Experienced Long Term Disability lawyers in Toronto

You or your employer faithfully contributed to your workplace insurance coverage either through direct premium payments or payroll deductions – Then, when you are most vulnerable and in need, you turn to your insurer for help and they may deny your claim for long term disability benefits.

It seems unconscionable but this sort of thing happens regularly. Some people give up after their first denial or appeal – Which makes insurance companies happy. Others go on to seek the services of an experienced Toronto long term disability benefit claim lawyer to advocate on their behalf.

if you have been denied long term disability benefits (LTD Benefits) that you feel are rightfully owed to you, contact an experienced Toronto Long Term Disability Benefits Lawyer.

Toronto Long Term Disability lawyers

Those are the Experienced Toronto long term disability lawyers listed below. They have a wealth of experience and expertise and have successfully argued hundreds of cases just like yours and are waiting to hear from you.


Stacy Koumarelas

Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers

Toronto Long Term Disability Lawyer

Stacy Koumarelas is an experienced Long Term Disability Insurance lawyer (LTD Benefits)  and partner at Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers LLP in Toronto

During regular business hours, Stacy can be reached at 416-920-4242 or via e-mail at stacy@neinstein.com

Brian A. Horowitz

Horowitz Injury Law

Toronto Disability Insurance Lawyer

Brian has a 30 year record of excellence in advocacy for injured people and those facing insurance claim challenges.

Brian can be reached at 416-925-4100 or via e-mail at bhorowitz@horowitzinjurylaw.com
Experienced Toronto Long Term Disability Lawyers Name of Law Firm Year Called to Bar
Stacy Koumarelas Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers 2006
Brian Horowitz Horowitz Injury Law 1987

Please note: A lawyer’s listing on this website, in no way, suggests or implies a qualitative superiority over other long term disability lawyers in Toronto that are not listed on this website.

We Speak For Those Who Can't

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